mercredi 29 novembre 2006

Individualism vs collectivism

•see Hofstede
•essentially it concerns how groups have resolved the problem: does a person regard himself or herself primarily as an individual or primarily as part of a group?
•Should society focus on individuals so that they can contribute to society as and if they wish, or is it more important to consider the collectivity first since it is shared by many individuals?

  1. Individualism
    •More frequent use of „I“ and „me“
    •In negotiations, decisions typically made on the spot by a representative
    •People ideally achieve alone and assume personal responsibility
    •Holidays taken in pairs, or even alone
  2. Collectivism
    •More frequent use of „we“
    •Decisions typically referred back by delegate to the organisation
    •People ideally achieve in groups which assume joint responsibility
    •Holidays taken in organised groups or with extended family

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